The Lodge of St. George was honoured to the Chair Lodge of this forum of all the English Craft Masonic Lodges in Singapore and Johor Bahru for 2018. The blue ribbon event of this forum was a unique, first-of-its kind meeting in Singapore, where the ceremonial work was undertaken by a team comprising the Worshipful Masters of all the Craft Lodges in Singapore and Johor Bahru or their representatives.
This initiative was conceived by the Right Worshipful District Grand Master. Similar meetings have already been organized in Kuala Lumpur and Peninsular Malaysia. The objective is to assist all the Craft Lodges in a particular region to work more closely together thereby strengthening the bonds of fellowship that bind the fraternity and the District.
The Lodge of St. George was proud to be able to spearhead this initiative and to offer its March 2018 Regular Meeting as the first such meeting. The Lodge offers its sincere thanks and appreciation for the tremendous support it received from the Worshipful Masters of all the Craft Lodges in Singapore and Johore Bahru. Without their help and dedication to make the initiative a success, the meeting simply would not have been possible. Their enthusiasm is an example to all of what can be achieved when we all work together.